Saturday, September 23, 2017

Week 4 Outside of Class

Our homework for this weekend was to read Chapters 1 and 2 of Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. On Monday, there will be a quiz on both chapters.

Today, I am attending a Design Conference for class, starting at 9am and ending at 2pm.

Interdisciplinary Interactive Design Conference

First Speaker: Todd Miller
From: Williamsport, PA
  • PBS
  • There for the first launch of Telletubbies

  • Is this going to be around for a while?

  • Insight (or Inside) Interactive 
  • There for the first episode launch of South Park

3 Things He Learned

1) There is no clear path to what you want to do.
2) If you work really hard and are kind, amazing things will happen.
3) Nobody knows what's best for you. Only you know.


  • 200 years American business
  • 87% of people now compare their experiences to the likes of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, etc.
  • Competitors are making investments in digital technology because of future growth.
  • Mobile first

  • They got a football player from the Eagles to act as an employee at Wawa.
  • Used their relationship with the Eagles to promote their coffee.

Fan Engagement

  • Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, etc.
  • Made Wawa emojis. 
(Idea: Sheetz emojis!)



Second speakers: Christine and Phil


  • Make and communicate meaning
(Life) Lessons In Design

1) Forget passion. Pursue curiosity.
2) Keep working at it. 
  • Keep producing work, even if it's little.
  • Keep connecting with people.

3) Risk delight. 
  • What does it mean?
  • moved their office from major metropolitan cities to Lancaster.
4 Ways To Risk Delight

1) Figure out what's important to you. 
2) Try new things.
3) Be strategic and be in the moment.
4) Be giving.

Sometimes, you have to fall before you fly.

Third speaker: Doug

The Business of Being Right
  • Most of us prefer to be shown how to do things over being told.
How Do We Convince Them To Change Their Logo?

Marking Pilot:
1) Think.
2) Launch.
3) Refine.

3 Ways To Start Using Research Right Now

1) Design Thinking
  • 1 BM Design Thinking Field Guide - download:
2) Industry Reports
  • Cost hundreds to thousands of dollars...
  • but they have a lot of information
  • Google search can help you find some
3) Spy Tools

  • shows ads they have
  • They've been using this research for the last 15 years.


Fourth speaker: Bri

Sharing Knowledge

1) Set expectations.
2) Create an intention.
3) Hold space.
4) It's more than what we study.
5) You get what you put in.


1) You can't be everything to everyone.
2) It's okay not to know.
3) It's a two way street.
4) Again, meet them where they're at.

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Week 16A

In Class My comic was the first to be critiqued in today's class. Here is my final comic:  Here are the comme...