Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Week 11B

In Class

In class, we were supposed to have 3 pages of a written script for our final comic.
Here are the ideas I came up with:

Suddenly able to hear others' thoughts, a fifteen-year-old college student is tormented by vengeful spirits.

For this one, I am still unsure about a storyline for sure. But I did get some ideas.

1) One idea was to have a college student going about her everyday life. The only issue is - she's constantly followed by four spirits that never stop arguing. The reason why she is chosen is unknown. They just started following her one day. It is also unknown how she suddenly became able to hear others thoughts. So while she’s able to hear other’s thoughts, she’s also hearing the constant arguing of the spirits. That’s a lot of thoughts running through your head all at once. - decided to choose this idea
2) Another idea could be that a college student’s house is haunted by spirits, and she doesn’t know it. So when she is suddenly able to hear others’ thoughts, when she’s alone in her own house, she thinks she’s going crazy. But really, she’s not. There’s just spirits in her house.
3) Another idea could be similar to the Sixth Sense. (The movie where a kid can see and talk to dead people)
The direction I am trying to take for these ideas is more of a funny approach.
Some serious, not funny scenarios could be:
  1. When she is able to hear other peoples thoughts, she learns about what other people think of her. This could be good or bad. Maybe everyone secretly hates her? Maybe everyone pities her? Who knows….
  2. When she is able to hear others thoughts, she gathers a group of friends to play pranks on them, based on fearful thoughts these people have had that she heard. When she does this, though, she awakens Karma. (Karma can be a spirit, right?)
  3. Maybe the spirit tormenting her is Karma, and part of her vengefulness is making her able to hear other’s thoughts - so she learns the truth about what her friends think about her. Or what everyone thinks about her.

And here's the start of my script:

Main Character: has a negative outlook on life, doesn't care about anyone but herself. Treats everyone around her like they don't matter.

One night, she is awoken by a smashing noise. There's a glowing figure outside of her window.

Karma: Can I come in? Are you decent?

MC: Uh..yes.

Karma floats through the window into her room. MC is sitting up in her bed, staring at her. She has no idea whether to be confused or scared.

Karma: Do you know why I'm here?

MC: Not exactly...I didn't even know you existed.

Karma adjusts her attire and clears her throat.

Karma: Well, uh. Usually I don't let people know I'm coming. I just hit them with whatever I see fit and leave. But you? I've hit you 1,000 times and you still don't learn or improve anything you did wrong.

MC: Yeah, because I don't do anything wrong. I don't need to take advice from you.

Karma: See, there's your problem. You're the type of person I would drop a piano on and leave. Because look at you. You're terrible. You're careless, you're so negative. If a flower was in this room, you would kill it with your negativity.

MC: You don't even know me!

Karma: I know EVERYONE. Try me.

Karma pulls out her list.

Karma: You're next on my list.

MC: Am I supposed to be scared? What are you gonna do? Make me fail my final so I have to retake a class like last time? Make my next boyfriend cheat on me and leave even though I was pretty sure we were going to get married? There’s not a lot more you can do.

Karma: I was doing you a favor with your last boyfriend. He was a douchebag and you refused to see it.

MC goes to protest but Karma cuts her off.

Karma: Anyway, there is one more thing I can do. I will do.

MC just stares at her.

Karma: Since you hate everyone’s thought process except your own, you now have the ability to hear other people’s thoughts!

MC face goes as white as a ghost. Karma is glowing with excitement.

Karma: Annnnnnnd! You will have four observants now that you have this new power. I should warn you, they’re very vengeful against me because they believe I put them in the state they are in now.

MC: Wait. How many “live” people do you know?

Karma: Oh, they’re not alive. They’re dead. They were killed in a car accident in their senior year of high school.

MC eyes grow wide with disbelief.


Karma: I didn’t kill them. I didn’t get into a car, race my friends on the freeway going 100mph, and strike an 18-wheeler because I couldn’t stop. They did that.

MC goes to say something, but Karma cuts her off. It’s like she knows what she’s about to say.

Karma: And before you get any ideas, I didn’t influence their thinking process to do this. If you must know, I was across the country striking 25 year old Jimmy for his wrongdoings.

MC: Well what did he do?

Karma: He tried to abandon his dog in 100 degree weather on a deserted backroad.

MC: And what did you do to him?

Karma: Simple. I got the dog rescued by a family returning home from a vacation. Now the dog has a loving home.

MC: I was talking about Jimmy…

Karma: Oh, him? I caused his car to break down on the same backroad. And conveniently, his phone died, so he couldn’t phone anyone to come save him in the scorching heat. He had to walk 20 miles to the nearest pit stop if he wanted anything to eat or drink, or to even see a glimpse of society again.

Karma starts laughing as she continues.

Karma: I think the funniest part of that situation was when he got to the pit stop, the owner’s dogs just walked up to him and both peed on him at the same time. Like a community fire hydrant. And the owner didn’t stop them or anything. I only made the car breaking down, his phone dying, and him having to walk 20 miles to the nearest pit stop happen. The dogs peeing on him happened all on it’s own.

MC just scowls at her. Karma’s expression turns to an icy glare. It’s piercing the MC’s eyes like daggers.

Karma: Don’t be a piece of shit and abandon your dog, and maybe that won’t happen to you.

The MC’s scowl slowly fades. She’s scared to move.

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Week 16A

In Class My comic was the first to be critiqued in today's class. Here is my final comic:  Here are the comme...