Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 10A

In Class

In class, we drew a 4x4 comic page. 16 boxes total. We were supposed to draw a beginning panel and something completely different for the end panel.
For the first panel, I decided to draw an apple on a teacher's desk in a school setting. For the end panel, since Halloween is tomorrow, I decided to draw pumpkins in a field at night time. After we finished drawing our first and last panels, we passed them to the person sitting beside us. They would fill in the next panel, pass it, and so on.
I did not expect my comic to take the turn it did. But I am satisfied with the turnout of it!

Then, we played that comic game afterwards, and I don't know for the life of me what it's called. But here are some pictures from playing the game. My partners were Alex, Shannon, and Zach D.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Week 9B

In Class

Today in class, the groups switched. Since I went downstairs and critiqued projects from a different class on Monday, today I would be getting my own comic critiqued. The other group went downstairs and critiqued the other class's projects today.

This is the final execution of my Comic, The Life of a Fly at Sheetz:

This is the first time I did my comic digitally, and it was very difficult. Not something you can get done in one night. I spent weeks working on the execution of this project. Overall, I am pretty pleased with the turnout of it, I thought it was going to look worse. I used pictures from my work as references for the scenes, and they were extremely difficult to execute because there was so much stuff in the photos. I kinda of narrowed it down to what was most important. 

Here is a picture of the comments I made on other people's comics, along with my feedback at the bottom:

Monday, October 23, 2017

Week 9A

In Class

In class, we split into groups made by Pannafino, and the first group would be critiquing their final comics today, and the second group would be going downstairs and critiquing trading card projects made by a different class.

I was in the second group, so I went downstairs. I got about 8 critiques in, there was a lot to talk about, and it actually was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. One person had a project on Mythical Creatures, someone else had a project on Pokemon cards (their own design), someone had trading cards on different fantasy scenes, and someone had trading cards for baking (and the photography was her own, which was really good!)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Week 8 Outside of Class

I spent a lot of time working on the final execution of my comic for class.
And I mean A LOT of time.
I pulled an all nighter for my first time. I was shocked that I was able to do it, but there was so many small edits to make and tiny things to add.
I thought Illustrator was going to crash on me and then I would have to start over.
Thankfully that didn't happen.
Anyway, here is my final execution for "The Life of a Fly at Sheetz."
I am happy with my final comic. I think it turned out better than I expected it would.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week 8B

In Class

Today in class, we had in class work time. I am starting digitally, and I think it is coming out pretty nice.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week 8A

In Class

Today was an in class work day. I had a full illustration of what my comic was going to look like and I decided to try and illustrate my comic digitally this time around. Pannafino came by and I explained my illustration to him.

My plan was to zoom into the scene (which is the kitchen at Sheetz, we call it M.T.O.) and while I'm going about my normal day at work, a pesky fly appears. I tell the fly that it just made a big mistake and that he just knocked on death's door (because I'm going to kill the fly). The fly responds with "Bring it. I ain't scared." After the fly responds with that, a battle erupts in M.T.O., where I attempt to hit the fly but I miss. The fly taunts me as it flies away, and hides on the other side of M.T.O., thinking I won't find it. I'm secretly hiding near the fly and as I approach, the fly turns around, curses, and then I kill it.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Week 7B

In Class

In class, we took a quiz on Chapters 3 and 4 of Understanding Comics. I didn't do as well as I thought. Better study harder for next time.
After we took the quiz, we got in groups and discussed what we had so far for our comics. For me, I was writing down in the panels what would happen in the panel. Then after, I would have a reference to look to when I start drawing roughs.

I am going to take pictures of my location tonight if possible.

After we met in groups, the rest of the class time was in class work time.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Week 6 Outside of Class

Over the break, I decided to research some comics on flies. Just to get some inspiration.
Here's what I found:

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Week 6B

Today was an in class work day. I started getting panels drawn out. I wrote what would happen in the panel so I know what to draw. I'm going to take pictures of the location where my comic will be taking place.

Here is what I sketched out today:

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week 6A

Today in class, we watched a video with Ryan Gosling on the typeface Papyrus, used in the Avatar movie.

This video is my life.
The creator of the font actually found this video funny. 

After that, we got into groups and discussed our 10 panel comics. These are some of the sketches I have so far: 

Week 16A

In Class My comic was the first to be critiqued in today's class. Here is my final comic:  Here are the comme...