Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 10A

In Class

In class, we drew a 4x4 comic page. 16 boxes total. We were supposed to draw a beginning panel and something completely different for the end panel.
For the first panel, I decided to draw an apple on a teacher's desk in a school setting. For the end panel, since Halloween is tomorrow, I decided to draw pumpkins in a field at night time. After we finished drawing our first and last panels, we passed them to the person sitting beside us. They would fill in the next panel, pass it, and so on.
I did not expect my comic to take the turn it did. But I am satisfied with the turnout of it!

Then, we played that comic game afterwards, and I don't know for the life of me what it's called. But here are some pictures from playing the game. My partners were Alex, Shannon, and Zach D.

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Week 16A

In Class My comic was the first to be critiqued in today's class. Here is my final comic:  Here are the comme...